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Thursday 13 October 2011

Any requests for Campus Session 2 for Module 3?

Hey folks - I am still thinking through from questions people asked at the last Campus Session and from emails etc. At the next Campus Session we will look at the critical review format - we think that the journey of discovery is vital for the inquiries. Adesola will be discussing and presenting on Professional Artefacts - fantastic - I am looking forward to that.

Does anyone have any questions or issues that you would like covered?  Any requests??? Please leave a comment and we will incorporate it into the session.

At the last session we discussed having individual advisers set a date for drafts on the review (my group discussed 4th Nov but that is not set in stone) but more importantly lots of people are still now carrying out activities from their plans - so keep up the good work. It is a busy time but the clarity should come as you explain what you have done to others. You can try this out on the blogs (anonymise as needed).

KEEP blogging everyone... It is the third week...

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