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Thursday 5 March 2015

Reading list access Part 5 and transdisciplinarity definition from Leavy

Sarah was kind enough to tell me a couple of links were not working for Part 5 on WBS3630 so - here is a link  - and will try to update reading list on system

"Ethics of Theatre Practice (Woodruff) and Trans-disciplinary inquiry... (Doyle). I didn't have any problems with the others, please can you let me know if there is a problem or if there is another way for me to access them."

the other one is a chapter - checking this out with Adam to get right

My colleague Annette Fillery-Travis suggested a really great book about transdisciplinarity
here is a link with some taster materials

"Yet, for this work, Leavy focuses her attention on the academy: 
Transdisciplinarity is an approach to conducting social research that involves synergistic collaboration between two or more disciplines with high levels of integration between the disciplinary sets of knowledge. Transdisciplinary research practices are issue- or problem-centered and prioritize the problem at the center of research over discipline-specific concerns, theories or methods. (9)"


  1. Thank you Paula. The second link is great but I still can't seem to get to 'Ethics of Theatre Practice' It links to the website but I can't see the actual pdf. Thank you.

  2. thanks Sarah - yes will look again and see if a better link is available.
