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Tuesday 2 March 2010

Learning Diary on Blog comment


This is from a conversation I had via email about the Learning Diaries on the Blog (the ones being assessed for BAPP WBS3835). The idea is to post them at regular intervals during the term- to cut down on the work and you will see how time develops some of the ideas... So the diary we sent had suggested that your first Learning Diary Blog be up by now...

The idea of the learning diary is to write about something you are doing now. You can certainly refer back to events and things you have written in the past as well as critical sources – like Bell or ones from your workplace as you are now looking for a topic (other authors you have found from reading around your topic). Comparing what you did now to previous experience makes sense in the learning process – but also show progression if you can.

The learning Blog or learning diary can also include information of events that could be considered evidence – like what happened in a production or a ‘critical incident’, and ideally this is captured at the time it happened (as you did this previous show/inspiration) but then can be reflected upon with up-to-date experience. An example would be having a million ideas at first and feeling overwhelmed, but then systematically seeing which are the best fit for you at this time. An example would be your having a conversation with someone you work with - employer or colleague - and comparing it to some reading you are doing.

If it goes up on the Blog – anonymise (don’t put in real names). Yes, you need to reference your own notes, as in Name, YEAR Learning Diary entry DATE – perhaps at the end.

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