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Wednesday 15 October 2014

Questions from Module 2 Part 4 online session 14/10/14

Right people had some good questions from last night Skype session - I have tried to write some of these up below.

The momentum for starting Module 2 is sometimes difficult - because again - it is different from things you have done in the past. There is structure there, but also a lot of choice, so it is finding a way to launching your thinking about the context of your professional practice - using the networking ideas form Part 3 - to think about what you would like to plan for your professional inquiry.

This module is about the planning - the next module (Module 3) is about the doing.

There are 4 tasks for Part 4 on page 12 in the Handbook. Think back to Module 3 2d as a starting point.

Questions from the session:

How do you record the questions we have - put them on the blog ? 
Yes - put some of the initial questions up for 4a as a task on your blog - then you can discuss them through comments and carry on discussions via special interest groups (SIGs) on FB, LinkedIn, othe social media, via Skype , phone , email and face to face.

Can we use Facebook for Module 2 work? (it is easier than the blogs)
There are a number of BAPP Arts community who do not have FB and the blogs are useful because they represent your work presented how you want it to look. However FB is great for working on the SIGs and can be really  helpful when in conversation mode. James sort of volunteered( right James?) to be a point of references for us on jamesmorgandance because he uses FB in his professional work. I am PaulaMDXNottingham - which is a separate account - and am connected to James if anyone want to add me. If anyone is concerned about FB - you might consider a separate site just for this work (I also have a separate personal FB site for family). We also have a sharing list for Skypes and emails - LinkedIn or other social media (twitter for example) might be the best way to connect.

Should the conversation we have work colleagues be confidential?
Remember about confidentially on the blogs and other sites - if you have a workplace conversation to discuss your work - that may be something you can explain in a public forum without names and following the conventions you are expected to observe at your workplace. However, you also have your journal for private conversations. Most professionals have public and private forums - it depends on the conversation and the subjects discussed. For example - in universities we are expected to act in such a way that we do not bring our university into disrepute - so conversations about some 'political' issues within the university might remain confidential. Part 5 is about professional and injury ethics that help with establishing your own ethical boundaries (and we will do more about planning) but in the meantime - give us a flavour if you can about what others in your workplace think about some of the topics that interest your for your studies.

Does the proposal /plan have to come up with 1 question only at the end of the module?
At this beginning stage there might be a number of thing you want to find out about, but as you focus in your will have 1-3 questions - an maybe some sub-questions - to help guide the inquiry. Time and resources are limited and this is a part of the learning - the skill needed to focus on a particular direction. Sometimes people come up with ideas as 'statements' rather than questions - but the key words in both are similar.

What if people have the same questions? Is it better to talk to people with the same questions or differing questions so that yours won't get confused or muddled at this stage?
Both ways work - but don't worry too much - this is a judgement to make as you do the process - sometimes 1 conversation is enough - sometimes you connect with someone that is really helping you think and you keep up the connection all the way through Module 3.

Are the questions we are asking for us or the others on the course?
They are your questions - so that you can complete a plan of action for your professional inquiry.

Is there a quicker way of doing all this?
Finding the processes that work for you during Module 2 are important. Your adviser can help - and the peer review (SIGs) should help you make up your mind rather than delay the process.

Many people have been doing thinking away form the blogs - perhaps unsure if they are doing things right. Now is a good time to start posting (and talking on FB and other sites) to get some momentum going.

Part 4 is about your establishing your context - your disciplinary bodies of knowledge but also the types of expertise where you work.

4d is about starting to find out what others - practitioners, policy makers, experts - have said about your area of interest. Start by googling some key words from your questions - this earlier blog shows how we looked for more specific key words to search for 'love'

Google - Google Scholar - and the MDX library are good places to start 'shopping' online for literature (expert commentary about your subject areas) which can be in audio-visual and visual form as well as text. Go to MyUniHub and go to the Library section - go to Summon for a search like Google within the uni system - you can tick boxes to the left to limit your search to full pdfs and more scholarly (peer-reviewed) articles. Also go to the various Library Subject Guides - there is one for dance, Theatre Arts and WBL (good for research books).

Good luck with making a start on your work!

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