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Friday 11 February 2011

8.2.11 Campus Session 1 on BAPP YouTube

Videos are up on YouTube from 8 Feb 2011 Campus Sessions 1 for 3002 and 3835.

I believe Rosemary has written more about the 3835 so I will just say a word about what we did for WBS3002 in the morning for those on this module. We have done a new Facebook for the Special Interest Groups - I am looking forward to going synchronous for this part of the course.

Basically this session corresponded with Part 1 of the module so we talked about using Web 2.0. We talked about how comments on the Blogs could be used for in-dpeth discussion that involved theory and practice form people's everyday life and looked at how different blogs could illicit different responses - for example there was one about injury and how that affected working. I mentioned a blog by Carly-Joy Osbourne about public communication and Google alerts - check it out on her blog on the BAPP Libguides.

Then we did a group exercise looking at the question 'Do Web based technologies enhance professional practice?' the group decided that everyone would separately do a powerpoint slide for a 5 minute presentation and then a short video was taken presenting some key arguments discussed (on BAPP YouTube).  There is a Powerpoint attached that we did - hurriedly - so excuse any typos etc. I have used Slideshare.

Did I mention to everyone that we had the electricity go out at work and the surge killed off my 30 GB memory stick PLEASE SAVE AND SAVE AGAIN your work or put it up with private settings on Google doc because life is just like that. SAVE SAVE SAVE and STORE STORE STORE.

REMINDER for 3002 6th May submissions we are piloting digital submissions this time so will not be taking paper copies - you will get more directions about this soon.


  1. Thanks for this post Paula - as I missed the Campus Session this time it was great to get a sense from the video and slideshow of what you talked about on the day. I think I have similar feelings to the participants on the 3002 video - Web 2.0 can be useful and a great way of networking, but we must be careful not to be lazy in our communication, and there is definitely still something to be said for a more personal approach, like a hand-written letter or a phone call. This was also my first time watching the BAPP youtube channel so I have now subscribed and look forward to watching future videos - it definitely helps me to feel that I am keeping in touch with what others on the course are doing.

  2. Hi Stephanie and Paula,

    Nice to meet you both! Please follow my blog!

    Yes, I agree with you, thank you ever so much Paula, I too missed the session so have found your blog so helpful.

    Stephanie, great you are commenting too, I too have now susbscribed to slideshare and look forward to watching, uploading more videos and sharing comments on them.

    Just about to have a look at the 'Do Web Based Technologies enhance professional practise?' video as we speak....

  3. Nicely done paula, the slide show was useful, and in depth i would pick twittering as a form of a chat and ongoing none stop site whereby i feel that it never just stores whats peoples thoughts are and even though it does people sometimes divert from the subject matters and say irrelevant things or answer.

    I fear that all this technology will make us lazy in the sense that that can give a description of yourself online and by video with out writing nothing down.

    for an example i ask a lady who just recently joined my band members if she could sing immediately she said check me out on youtube via her name and i personally paused and thought to myself why can't she do it here right now
    then i decided to ask here do it here she said she couldnt be bothered as she is busy.

    but i believe we shouldnt just rely and relent on just what technology has given us, but have the old fashion system within us

    paula you rose a a tremendous situation which happens in our day and age, as you said always save your work no matter what
    even i as a designer i learnt the hard way now its a habit whereby i do save my work at least every ten minutes although it depends on what software you have because some software have an immediate back up and the programme automatically retrieves the work you have lost
