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Tuesday 2 February 2010

Programme about the virtual world we all know and love (or do we?)

There was a television programme on the other night about the Web, I watched most of it and taped it. It caught Rosemary's eye and she sent an email round - Peter commented that it had a "particular editorial tack" which I responded to with "Peter, by editorial tack do you mean the free wheeling virtual communicators (with a Well essence and Berners-Lee altruism) against the nasty capitalists aka Microsoft?" Alan requested we put our little discussion up on the Blog. I contacted Peter to see if he minded being quoted – he said ok – so here is the gist of the conversation at Alan's request.

Alan has a link up on his website as the programme is available on the BBCiplayer.

Comments welcome.



  1. The programme certainly reaffirms the enormous change in the way we work, learn, shop and socially interact. But some things inevitably it cannot change... it still can't cut my hair...

  2. Thought that you should know, if you live outside of the UK you do not have access to BBC iplayer.

  3. AH. interesting. I do have it on a hard drive at home and will investigate posting copyrighted material for educational purposes on our virtual learning environment. Meanwhile, I will try to copy a little piece in the Radio Times I have... Thanks for that Amanda. Any interesting similar topic pieces in Canada? Tell us the news.
