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Friday 18 March 2011

17th March Campus Session for 3835

As a starter - I thought those who attended yesterdays session did a great job. Really good thinking, interaction and questions. A recap on the assessments will be coming up soon in another blog. 

This was the agenda for the session and the 2 PowerPoints about the inquiry tools: reviewing literature and the 4 practitioner inquiry methods that you are going to trial 'informally' in 3835. These 'social science' tools make it possible to gather and analyse data from the real world with real people. However, in the past people have asked for more time to practice these methods, so thats what we have tried to build into 3835. While the 3 reviews and the 4 inquiry method exercises do not have to be about the same things, your questions and emerging topic area can guide you to finding out about the things that interest you and perhaps the others you have developed SIGs with or discussed topics with on the blogs.

At the end as Rosemary discussed the plan - we tried to clarify some of the questions people had about the assessment will be putting more information up on the blogs AND on the BAPP Libguides (either on the front page news or under 3835) so 'watch this space'. As this is the first run of our revised module, we welcome the feedback so we can clarify any points and get as much out of the module as possible. Also Mike Howarth attended to try to get some new shots for our brochure and some new learning tools - so thanks to everyone for participating!

Schedule of session – tools (Paula) and then plan at end (Rosemary)
Introduction: (10 Minutes – 2-2:10pm)
·      Where are we/you now?
·      Using inquiry tools to inform your practice
Practitioner Tools
1. Literature/Documents (2:10 – 3:05)
·      Brief PowerPoint describing literature (discuss other sources such as performance DVDs) that are relevant to your questions/topic to extend knowledge and understanding (content can be disciplinary, sector, or learning related) (will put this on Paula’s Blog)
·      Interactive demonstration of searching for literature and sources for data from professional and academic sources
·      Google and Google Scholar
·      Middlesex journals- Sandra and Rosie
·      Discussion about how to critically evaluate the literature
·       Scanning
·      Collecting
·      Reviewing task – responding and analysing 3 pieces of literature in writing
·      Exercise – using literature as a tool – group wikis – using one main article or piece of writing, try to develop an understanding of the
·      source (author)
·      the main points of view (argument) and their validity
·      how this piece of writing provides information about theory or practice – how it is a part of a bigger whole
BREAK 3:05 – 3:15
2. Inquiry/research methods (3:15 – 4:?30)
·      Brief PowerPoint describing the point of research methods (will put this on Paula’s Blog)
·      Exercise - informal research method ‘practice runs’ with SIG colleagues or associates that will give you experience for when you do your practitioner research about your topic
·      Observation – YouTube video (Samba Competition)
·      Survey – develop 5 main questions to find out something about people who undertake professional practice – use one with the people who are attending – talk about analysis and following up the data
·      Interview – exercise in twos – learning how to ask questions and listen
·      Focus Group – role pay in larger groups – managing discussion

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