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Thursday 8 December 2011

Trepidation and Rehearsal - managing the feedback process

I was just writing back in response to an email that sent in a draft of Module 1 - this is an extended version of my reply...

Trepidation is a common response to this stage of feedback and assessment - so it is about managing that process. As this is a preparatory stage in the process – I would expect not everything to be perfect! It is a rehearsal and a part of the learning process. I try to manage this side of things by trying to do drafts early so that I can check and check again and edit. Your process might be different. Most people also have a ballpark idea of what they have done – and that self-appraisal is something we can do more of on the programme.

Alan and I went to see Phil Race speak last night about - you guessed it - feedback and assessment. His website gives some advice to people who are students. Remember some of this advice is for conventional programmes where the 'students' are not working, but yuo may find some of the advice helpful:


  1. Hi Paula, thank you this blog has proved very useful. Despite being on the "home straight" of my degree it is still valid to remind yourself of basic techniques!
    The most useful bit to me in the link is on the feedback section. Up until now I have been focusing on feedback purely form my tutor but it does seem valid to ask others their ideas too. Another technique I have used is to read my writing out loud to people who know nothing about the topic- if they are following and understanding it then I know I have made myself clear. However, when I have to explain bits to them it helps me to re-evaluate my writing.

    My next task will be to share my writing with one other student and possibly read some of theirs in order to give each other some constructive feedback.


  2. Hi Paula,

    Thankyou for this post and also for describing the drafts of our Module 1 work as a 'rehearsal.' This has helped me to picture what it is I want to achieve for my first draft, and how I should feel when it gets corrected. Rehearsing and corrections are all a part of a dancer's life so I can use this experience as a mirror for my academic work.
    The tips are really useful and I will take good care in the quoting section as I know there are many mistakes which are easy to make. I plan to get my draft into Adesola this weekend, leaving time for correcting.
    Thanks for the reminders also, it really helps get me into writing gear!

  3. Great comments - thanks for these tips - I agree that sharing is the key to good 'academic' or 'professional' practice.
