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Monday, 10 March 2014

Module 3 - some links for you - Please comment and ask questions!!!

Mainly for finalists:

Here are some older slideshares that might help you this study period - happy to discuss these with anyone.

PLEASE comment and then I can help!!!

Study period 3rd February – 9th May 2013 (12 weeks) SO
WEEK 1 IS THE 3rd of Feb
WEEK 10 IS THE 7th April
Easter 2 weeks 14 /4/13 and 22/4/13
Final WEEK 12 5th of May. We normally only give oral feedback this week.
Submission 13th May (Tuesday) - Critical Review and Professional Artefact
Oral presentation 2 and 3rd June

Older Campus Session 1

Older Campus Session 2

Older Additional advice


  1. Hi Paula, Thanks for posting this- Campus session 2 is really useful to me as I was beginning to wonder how on earth I was going to put together all the data I am gathering for my inquiry into a coherent academic piece of writing! I will use the analysis triangle (data-literature-experience) when starting to draft my review. Still in the research stage but it helps to think and plan ahead.

  2. Thanks Daniellle - yes analysis sis so important to the process. Yes the style of writing for the critical review is more academic using expertise to inform or 'theorise the writing. The artefact has a professional audience but also works with the 'findings' - what you found out in your inquiry.
