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Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Great March weather and 'lucky cat'

Wasn't the weather glorious last weekend - I really like spring so I look forward to this season.

This my 'study' mascot 'lucky cat' who waves to everyone from my Mac computer photo booth.

This is the cat looking backwards - the central eye is the camera.

Does anyone else use a study mascot - shades of University Challenge here - but it started with my children giving me various mascots to help with my studies. I have a dragon somewhere and have inherited lucky cat because the noise can be distracting. 

Is this an american tradition?

When I first google this topic I get a lot of the controversy about using native americans images for mascots in sports teams - e.g. the 'Red Skins' and the problems from this practice.
and then a very strange example of a 'study buddy'

I end with images of other lucky cats - and think I will stop there! Good luck with your studies!

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