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Tuesday, 22 March 2016

22nd March 2016 campus session recap

It was great to see people in person and I hope we can, as a practitioner/academic group, continue to meet in person. We used to meet up 3 times a term - now I think maybe 2 times is about right...
Lara attended by Skype and that worked well Big Bang (TV show) style which is a good way of people joining when not able to come - so 1 person on a computer. I had brought in 3 computers and Lara was on my drpaulanottingham skype - but I don' think more could make it. Sorry if I missed anyone...

Several people are planning to come to campus in smaller groups for study days to make the most of the library etc. - good idea if possible! - or form them on Skype of the BAPP Arts Meeting room!

 Also remember Sconol for libraries closer to you
"SCONUL Access is a scheme which allows many university library users to borrow or use books and journals at other libraries which belong to the scheme. "

I will link here to other blogs - but look out from blogs by:



Itinerary for today

we introduced ourselves
we played drawing games - 20 squares - drawing your neighbour - concept drawings (hopefully some examples might go up)
see links for visual art at the bottom of this blog.

We played the yes/no game (thank you Patience) where the first round - all the answers had to be NO - the second round it was 'yes, BUT' and the third round was 'yes, AND" - so the pint was to not reject - don't dismiss - but to get more creative in allowing yourself to find a way to do something MORE- and yes/and attitude led to doing the four Appreciative Inqiur steps to think about solutions for the BAPP Arts/universiuty programme - so Discovery - Dream - Design - Destiny - a lot like the creative design cycles ( also compares to Kolb cycle and Gibbs reflective cycle). This is a way of using a 'solutions based' creative methodology instead of simply 'problem solving'. We used BAPP Arts as an example of an organisation or community of practice - but you could think about your own workplace and practice for using appreciative inquiry...

I liked this article to explain how it can be applied:

I this process - a few things noted:
Discovery: - identified what was working - BAPP Arts used a different style of working but worked well as a blended course online - allowed the learning to be applied
Design: Saturday classes were mentioned and finding /sharing content like literature
Dream: campus sessions in places other than London and others 'hosting ' session that tutors could come to as guests... more session s in school holidays - BAPP Arts studies were focused on benefits to others in the workplace as well as students/candidates - so it stimulated both areas for practitioners.
Destiny: putting the things together - linking everyone online and with organisations - guest spots for others on blogs (iPhone and with permission) - extra sessions as study groups

It would be good to find a space to share literature - like delicious - but maybe within system so we can share university resources - will try to do this online somewhere for everyone to connect to. I will also send out new version of the sharing list.

 I am sure I missed loads - so see people's blogs!

After a break we talked about as all 3 modules - especially general questions (thanks Charnelle and others). I will blog further on these in future - and then grouped for M1 and M2 and M3 to discuss work that people were doing...
in brief
M1 - talk about art! print out module handbook, Paula check links in readers
M2 - working titles can change - forms online - especially ethics - planning takes time - gather  literature for ideas/theories from academic professional sources, interviews not until Module 3, and working in study groups (SIGs) is useful
M3 - task about analysis coming up - just trying out, Paula makes sure online information about about qualitative analysis

All in all a very good session - everyone was up for the games and discussion - what was really nice was that everyone had something to say!

Earlier use of concept drawing

and another one about using drawing for your journals...


  1. Hi Paula, Thanks for today, good to see you!

    Sorry I had to leave early to get back to work. I will blog on this tomorrow - I'm planning an afternoon in the library tomorrow as I have some time off.


  2. brilliant - study days can be so useful - I am there tomorrow - in a meeting 2-4 but we could meet before that if you are on campus Lisa

    1. I had a good study session in the library yesterday. Good to get me focused and trying to make sure I'm organised as I am away to Scotland for the weekend. I am back in London next week and will definitely be around Campus. Would be great to meet if you are around - is the alternate session still on?

  3. Hi Paula,

    Really enjoyed yesterday, feel so much happier after speaking with others and actually being able to see where I will progress with this course over time.

    Defiantly some good resources and ideas that I can take forward with me.


  4. Hi Paula, I really enjoyed the campus session on Tuesday and was so glad I was able to attend. I'm looking forward to seeing other students blogs about the day. Maddy

  5. Thanks for this post, Paula. It was great to see what was discussed as I was unable to get the time off work. I found the ideas of 'yes, and...' very useful for my studies and my particular inquiry stage.


  6. Hi Paula, thanks for this fun campus session, I was really glad I could skype in. I've also shared a summary on my blog. I especially enjoyed the concept drawings and the idea of finding the positives when faced with challenges as demonstrated by the Appreciative Inquiry approach.
