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Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Module 2 questions are about resolving not answering

The inquiry questions are not to answer but to resolve! the methods or tools that practitioners use in their inquires are often qualitative in nature - they are about complex issues in real situations. The inquiry process does not set out as a way to prove something, although it does look at evidence and data from primary and secondary sources.

This period is one that can awaken issues and topics that should be useful to your professional practice as it is now or you would like it to be int he future. Try to investigate it by flowing from one topic that leads to another until it starts to gel - so it goes from the 'airplane' view (see silly drawing on my blog) to a more focused topic are with some questions that represent what you would like to fin out about.

For instance - while looking up notes form the Mark Franco lecture I went to on Martha Graham I found some resources from the Kennedy centre in New York lots of video footage. BUT what you look at depends upon scanning sources for your topic area. In the meantime you might pick up the 3 sources you can practice analysing as 'literature ' for Module 2 - Fancy trying to analyse a video rather than a written piece?

I call this process 'thinking things through' and when an hour goes by and you brain fills fuller - this means you are 'in the zone' so make sure to note down your journey somewhere so you can pick up on your thoughts when you next work on your topic - maybe write a blog that summarises your thinking?

I wrote about the eureka moment a while back but have a look

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