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Thursday, 10 March 2011

Post on the arts management SIG

There is a article in Stage about London arts cuts March 10 2011 - this might test both management and leadership. In another article Alistir Smith questions whether arts venues should drop their charitable status to run as businesses. All 'hot' issues - What are the main points of view in the argument?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. This really annoys me. It's all about the value that people put on the arts. What they think it's for. Small arts venues quite often breathe life into communities. Why is this any less important than other community projects? These venues need outside funding. It isn't possible for them to run as commercial businesses. Well actually it is but the freedom they have to be creative would be totally eradicated. It would become about the bottom line and then their relevance would really be in question.

    Britain is such and artistic country. We have world exports of art, literature, theatre, films, fashion and yet it is still downgraded all the time. As we approach the olympics it seems to be understood that in order to secure the sporting future of this country we need charitable organizations to give people, and children in particular, the sporting opportunities and encouragement needed. I would argue that the same is needed for the arts. If we don't have charitable arts projects we will crush the vibrancy of the industry as a whole.
